Here’s a look at what each parameter is and what it does. You may need to copy/paste this into a text editor and print it to get a better look.
"container": {
"field": "(required, string) The name of the targeted container field",
"key": {
"field": "(required, string) The name of the field which stores the container field record's primary key",
"value": "(required, string) The value of the primary key for the targeted record" },
"layout": "(required, string) The name a the targeted layout (container must be visible on layout)" },
"database": {
"auth": "(optional, string) A base64 encoded username and password of a filemaker account with fmrest enabled",
"name": "(required, string) The name of the targeted FileMaker database" },
"FQDN": "(required, string) The FQDN of the targeted FileMaker server",
"return": {
"log": {
"field": "(optional, string) the name of a text field where log data will be written",
"layout": "(optional, string) the name of a layout where a log record can be created once the upload is completed" },
"url": {
"key": {
"field": "(optional, string) the name of the field which stores the primary key for the alternate record",
"value": "(optional, string) the value of the primary key for the alternate record (default: container field's record)" },
"layout": "(optional, string) an alternate layout to store the uploaded URL address (default: container field's layout)" ,
"field": "(optional, string) The name of the field on the container's layout where the uploaded URL address should be stored" }},
"script": {
"layout": "(optional, string) The layout from which to run the targeted FileMaker script (default: container field's layout)",
"name": "(optional, string) The name of a FileMaker script to perform in the targeted database once the upload is completed (default: null)",
"parameter": "(optional, string) The parameter for the targeted FileMaker script (default: empty)" }},
"s3": {
"bucket": "(required, string) the targeted s3 bucket",
"key": "(required, string) the full name of the file as it should appear in s3, including any prefixes",
"makePublic": "(required, boolean) set to true if the uploaded file should have a public URL",
"region": "(optional, string) the AWS region of the bucket (example: us-east-1)" }